Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Morgan Marie is here!

On Thursday the 17th of November I woke up around 7:30 am to what I thought might be my water breaking. I woke Joey up, but he decided it was nothing, mostly because I had been freaking out all week that it was going to break and I wasn't going to know it. But I woke up again about an hour later and decided to call my midwife. She told me it probably had broken, but since I wasn't having any contractions yet I could just labor at home for awhile. (I asked her if I could quick drive down to Rochester to give my presentation I had that day in class, but she just laughed at me..)
Before we left for the hospital

As we were getting ready to leave I remembered my health insurance card was in my wallet which I had left in my car...which just happened to be in the shop getting fixed. Oops. So we drove 20 minutes in the opposite direction to the Goodyear to get it out of my car. The mechanic's face was so priceless as he lowered the car down for me, when I told him calmly my water had broken and I needed to get my insurance card to go to the hospital. But of course my wallet was in there with no insurance card (still have no idea where it went). Luckily my mom's school was right down the road so I just took hers. Finally we were on our way.

We got to the hospital around 11 and they did the test to check to see if my water had broken. Just as the nurse was about to leave to bring the test to the lab I stood up and there was no question anymore that it was broken! I had my first contractions on the way to the hospital, but they weren't too bad yet. At the doctor the day before I was at 1 cm dilated and when I got to the hospital I was at a 3.

We got moved to our room and not too long after the contractions started getting a lot worse. At some point my mom and dad got there and Joey's mom, who works at St. Francis, stopped by on her lunch break. I was surprised how quickly everything was happening! The next time I got checked I was at a 5 so they told me I could get an epidural. YAY! I feel like the anesthesiologist was outside my door
waiting for me to ask because he got there so fast. I was pain free around 3pm. It was great just laying in bed as I saw the contractions getting bigger and I felt nothing. My midwife came in around 6:15 and said I was ready to push! It was not what I had pictured in my head, or like what you see in the movies. No screaming or pain and Joey even commented how it was weird I was talking and laughing in between contractions.

Morgan Marie Larson arrived at 6:44 pm. She weighed 7 lbs 1 ounce and was 19 3/4 inches long. I feel so blessed and lucky that she arrived so healthy and with a pretty easy labor. Also thankful that Joey and my mom were in the room to help. I put my mom in charge of taking pictures in the delivery room, and we should have had a practice session with the camera before...oh well.
Joey cutting the cord

our first family photo
my little peanut
Then about ten minutes later (well it seemed like ten minutes) my room was full of visitors. The first night my dad, Joey's parents, my brother, my Aunt Penny, my cousins Teagan and Kayli, and my friends Kelsey, Jayme, Brittni, Lauren, and Brianna all came to visit baby Morgan.
Cheers to a beautiful healthy baby girl :) 

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